What are Life Groups?

More than two hours on a Sunday, church is about sharing life together. Life Groups are the way we gather during the week around the table to be the people of Jesus in our neighborhoods.  


Looking to get connected to a Life Group?

If you are ready to join a Life Group, the next step for you is to go through Community Basics.  In this course we will discuss a vision for how to share life together and place you into a small group of people who live in your part of the city.  

Community Basics takes place every 1st Sunday after the 10am Worship Gathering.  We will meet downstairs in Room B-3 for about an hour.  Snacks are provided.  We look forward to connecting with you!

Wanting to lead a Life Group?

Life Group leaders serve as frontline leaders of our church. As they model a life of discipleship to Jesus, they lead their community in following Jesus together. If you are interested in learning more about leading a Life Group, we would love to hear from you.

How are we meeting?

Groups will meet in person in homes or other great locations around Charlotte. 

What can I expect?

All of our groups are having discussions around weekly reading from the Life Church Bible Reading plan. Our groups usually gather around a meal and practice breaking bread together. Groups are neighborhood based not based on marital status or age group. We delight in doing community surrounded by all ages and backgrounds. 

When you join a group, the leader will send you info on how to connect and where to meet.

Should I just pick one group?

We encourage you to pick one that you can dive into deep fellowship and grow together with other believers in your neighborhood.

Who are groups designed for?

Our groups are designed for our local church community but open to the friends, coworkers, and neighbors of those communities.


You can also browse below a map of our current Life Groups and when they meet!